Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Logical Vs Intuitive

We study, we learn, we share, and we grow. New books, tools, and resources become available, we eat them all up. So, where does all this knowledge go? Most of it to waste. Garbage it. Yup, had I, if I, why did I.... those are the starts of what happened to some if not all of our profits.

When you are at the tables, what information you have will always be incomplete. Those theories, simulations, and talks you had, don’t always fill in all the gaps. So what do you do? You throw those hours of hard work down the drain on a feel. Most of the time, those hunches were wrong, but you get lucky at times. Your mind plays tricks on you telling you that you have great intuition. Telling you that the risk is worth it. Telling you that you are beyond all the hard work you have put in.

Yup, you now are in denial. Unless you get the right odds, why play? Unless you are in a position to really take advantage of a situation, why are you in it? You put in the research, now let it pay for itself.

I am not saying to give up work on your intuition. I think that would be grossly wrong. What I am saying is the more you allow yourself the chance to really evaluate the situation, the odds, the texture, and your opponents, the more money you will make. Ask yourself the question of “Why” a bunch of different ways. Make yourself think through the situation at hand. Every time.

As for the growth of your intuition, allow your logical game to grow, and you will find that your intuitive game will get stronger as well. Good luck and more profit.

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